Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Prezi!

Today, we will start Prezis presentations.

Your goal is to help the current 4th graders understand what life is like in 5th Grade.  You should have filled out the following worksheet before arriving in class.  We'll base our Prezi on this.

Name: ___________________________   Date: ____________________

5th grade Technology Project

Please fill in the blanks:

The best part of coming to the Upper School is____________________________
The best part of 5th grade is_____________________________________________
If I could give you one tip for success in the 5th grade, it would be___________
In 5th grade, always_______________________________________________________
In 5th grade, never________________________________________________________
I wish I had known___________________________before I came to the 5th grade.
The three words that best describe a model 5th grade student are________
The 5 most important lessons I learned in 5th grade________________________
The best book we read this year was_______________________________
The coolest science experiment we did was_________________________
Did you know___________________ (add something you learned in SS or at Gettysburg)?
***Save this completed sheet for this week’s technology class.

But first, we have to learn some Prezi basics:

Finally, we will set up Prezi accounts today:


You will need to set up an account with your HTS Email account and password - it will be a free account for students.

You will be creating a Prezi for your biography project, so I thought it would be fun if you created a quick biography about yourself to practice.  Here is my sample:

Let's watch a Prezi tutorial:

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