Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Scientific Method - via PowerPoint

It's time to start thinking about science fair projects in the 5th grade, and the foundation of any good project is a solid understanding of the scientific method. 

So, this week and next in the lab, we will use PowerPoint to define and illustrate the steps of the scientific method.  I introduced the basics of PowerPoint to the students, and gave them a hand-out with the necessary definitions.  They were given to option to design the slide with their choice of designs, colors and templates.  The resulting slides will be printed in hand-out form, and tucked in their binders for easy reference as the projects unfold this month and next.

Here is a preview of some of the work 5F began on Tuesday:

Can't wait to see how the PowerPoints unfold over the next couple of weeks!

Mrs. Morell

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