Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Welcome to the National Hour of Code

This year, schools across America are taking part in an "Hour of Code" project.

I'd like you to try this Angry Birds coding project during class today:

Angry Birds -

And if you finish that, you can look for other super-cool coding projects on the Hour of Code Website:

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Explorer Treasure Hunt

Today, we conduct a Treasure Hunt to research a few explorers on the "All About Explorers" website:

I would like you choose an explorer and answer the three questions on a new blog post:

I am going to warn you, part of the point of this treasure hunt is to understand that just because it's on the Internet, doesn't mean you can trust the resource.

  • Not everything on the Internet is useful 
  • Be familiar with your topic first by reading books
  • Check facts with other sources
Happy Treasure Hunt!

Mrs. Morell

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Keyboarding and Post Your Magazine Cover to Kidblog

Today, we will continue to work on our keyboarding skills using Typing Club:

You will login using your lastnamefirstinitial (morellm) and our password will be: htstype.

We will then post your magazine cover to your blog.

I would like you to write about what you enjoyed most about creating the magazine cover... and what you learned about your tribe.

Happy keyboarding and blogging!

Mrs. Morell

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Keyboarding and Blogging

Today, we will continue to work on our keyboarding skills using Typing Club:

You will login using your lastnamefirstinitial (morellm) and our password will be: htstype.

We'll take a typing test today.

Jade and Sofia D may move on to blogging for the entire class:

And either continue to work on their favorite things prompt, or move onto the second blogging challenge.

With 20 minutes left, you will have a blogging assignment.

While some of you left lovely comments using complete sentences and perfect spelling and punctuation, I am overall not overly impressed with the quality of your comments.  So, we must review!

I would like you to read the "Things to Consider Before You Comment" post, and leave a thoughtful comment that shows you know the difference between Social and Academic comments.  You must write AT LEAST two full sentences and use perfect spelling and punctuation.  Then, you may either revise some of your comments, or begin the second blogging prompt.

Happy Typing and Blogging!

Mrs. Morell

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Just Keep Typing

Today, we will continue to work on our keyboarding skills using Typing Club:

You will login using your lastnamefirstinitial (morellm) and our password will be: htstype.

Please type for another class period - next week we will take the test again.

Jade and Sofia D may move on to blogging for the entire class:

And either continue to work on their favorite things prompt, or move onto the second blogging challenge.

With 15 minutes left, in class you may work on your blogs.

Happy Typing!

Mrs. Morell

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Typing Club

Today, we will work on our keyboarding skills using a new program called Typing Club:

You will login using your lastnamefirstinitial (morellm) and our password will be: htstype.

I will ask that you all take the Typing Test to begin the day, then work through the first few lessons.

If you reach 25 Words Per Minute or above, you may move on to blogging:

Happy Typing!

Mrs. Morell

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Today, We Blog!

Today, we will login to our new KidBlog accounts.

The link is here:

and I will tell you our passwords :)

You will copy and paste your "Favorite Things" Assignment from last week.

And then, you may comment on each other's posts.

We will review the guidelines for commenting today!

Mrs. Morell

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back to School Night

This is what I shared with your parents during Back-to-School Night...

Welcome to Technology
Mrs. Mary Beth Morell
5th and 6th graders will meet with me during one 40-minute period each week.  Our studies this year will focus on the following areas:
Keyboarding, Google Drive and Blogging
We will be devoting much of the first quarter to these basic skills.  The blogs will be through KidBlog, and not viewable to the public.
Second and Third Quarters – Research and Presentation Skills
During the second and third quarters, we will work on a variety of skills related to Internet searching and researching.  I will introduce the students to effective searching strategies, how to identify a reputable website, how to organize research, and how to cite a source properly using an online citation maker.   Once the research is complete, we will use a variety of presentation tools, such as PowerPoint, Prezi, and iMovie.. I hope to work closely with the classroom teachers so that most projects complement the 5th and 6th grade core curriculum, but sometimes we touch upon current events or geography in our projects.
Fourth Quarter – Final Project
During the fourth quarter, the students will complete a final project using many of the skills used throughout the year.  Last year, each 6th grader chose a National Park.  They completed comprehensive research, including a tour of the park using GoogleEarth, compiled a file of photos, then created an online poster of the Park using Glogster.  Citing sources was an important part of the project.
Digital Citizenship
Throughout the year, I will be doing mini-lessons on Digital Citizenship, using the curriculum from CommonSense Media.  Topics will include Privacy and Digital Footprints, Online Safety and Security, Connected Culture and Respecting Creative Work.  This is a new program to Holy Trinity this year, and I look forward to exploring these topics with the students.  Please consider subscribing to Common Sense Media on to help you navigate the constantly evolving world of social media with your child.

The Blog
Every week, I will provide updates on the 5th and 6th Grade Technology Blogs – my answer to a teacher homework page.  Students will be able to access any links or resources I have posted, and parents will be able to see what we are doing in technology class.  My contact information will be there as well.  The link to the blogs can be found on my homework page:
Internet Resources
On the blog, I will maintain a list of Internet resources for research, and for learning fun.
Scantron Testing – Scantron testing will take place during technology class three times a year – September, February and May.  Each round takes three weeks of class time.
Questions, Comments or Suggestions?  Reach me on

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Welcome to 5th Grade Technology!


First, we will begin with a quick Prezi to outline our plan of action for the year:

Then, we will try to login to our Gmail accounts, and review where to find Google Drive and our Email.

We will review how to send a lovely, polite Email, and craft some guidelines for using Email in the 5th grade.

Following is one of my favorite resources to consult when drafting an Email (thank you Langwitches blog!)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Today, we Blog!

Today, please open your blog.

I would like you to complete at least one entry with five books you would like to read from the Summer Reading list.  The link to that blog can be found here:

You must include

The title of your book
The author of your book
A description of the book, which can be copied from the list

And a photo of the cover of the book.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Finish your Prezi!

Today, you will have a chance to finish the Prezis you started last week about your thoughts on helping this year's 4th graders transition to 5th grade.

I would like you each to include:

  • At least 7 of your ideas or suggestions from the worksheets you completed in language arts class last week (the sub will have the worksheets in my binder).
  • At least two pictures.
  • Please be sure that the spelling and punctuation is perfect!

Have fun with this, and help each other if you get stuck.

Here is the link to Prezi:

(Remember, you login using your Email address and the same password you use for the network and your Email.)

Mrs. Morell

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Prezi!

Today, we will start Prezis presentations.

Your goal is to help the current 4th graders understand what life is like in 5th Grade.  You should have filled out the following worksheet before arriving in class.  We'll base our Prezi on this.

Name: ___________________________   Date: ____________________

5th grade Technology Project

Please fill in the blanks:

The best part of coming to the Upper School is____________________________
The best part of 5th grade is_____________________________________________
If I could give you one tip for success in the 5th grade, it would be___________
In 5th grade, always_______________________________________________________
In 5th grade, never________________________________________________________
I wish I had known___________________________before I came to the 5th grade.
The three words that best describe a model 5th grade student are________
The 5 most important lessons I learned in 5th grade________________________
The best book we read this year was_______________________________
The coolest science experiment we did was_________________________
Did you know___________________ (add something you learned in SS or at Gettysburg)?
***Save this completed sheet for this week’s technology class.

But first, we have to learn some Prezi basics:

Finally, we will set up Prezi accounts today:

You will need to set up an account with your HTS Email account and password - it will be a free account for students.

You will be creating a Prezi for your biography project, so I thought it would be fun if you created a quick biography about yourself to practice.  Here is my sample:

Let's watch a Prezi tutorial:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Internet Scavenger Hunt

Today, we are going to practice some Internet Searchintg skills with the following Scavenger hunt.

Use the link to Google Search to help you find the answers to the following questions.

Remember, it is best to type in key words when searching, but sentences also work well.

I would like you to note which website you used to find your answer.  You may not use, or other wiki.  It must be a reputable source.

You may work in pairs...

Have fun!

Mrs. Morell

Search Phrase
Website Used
Sample: What is John F. Kennedy’s birthday?
“John F. Kennedy” AND birthday
May 29, 1917
What is the population of California?
What is today’s temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska?
Name the president born on July 6, 1946.
What did Roald Amundson do?
What Imax movie would you most like to see at the Smithsonian Natural History museum?
What won Best Picture at the 2013 Academy Awards?
Who won the Best Actor Award at the 2012 Academy Awards?  For what role?
What book won the 2013 Newberry Medal?  What were three Newberry Honor books?
What is the Best-Selling children's paperback book according to the New York Times?
What state is Gettysburg in?
Name two National Parks, and the states where they are located.
What was the score of the most recent Georgetown vs. Syracuse game?
What was the real name of Dr. Seuss?
When is Dr. Seuss’s Birthday?
Name two books that Michael Morpurgo wrote.
Who is the Acting Director of the CIA?
Who was just confirmed as the new Secretary of Defense?
.Name two animals from the National Zoos Amazonia exhibit
Name two animals from the National Zoo’s invertebrate exhibit
What continent is Montenegro on?
Where is the city of Petra? (hint – the one in the Middle East)
List one of the Seven Wonders of the World.