Thursday, November 8, 2012

Today we will create a Comic Life comic strip about last week's trip to the National Gallery of Art.

To give you an idea of the sort of thing I have in mind, here are a couple of samples from last year's class:

I'd like you to combine photos of the trip with photos of the paintings you studied... and provide thoughtful commentary about the adventure. Please be sure to include at least one fact about the symbolism in Nativity Art. If you need a bit of help remembering all you've learned, following are a selection of facts from Mrs. Bridgeland's notes:

Some symbols in the art of the Christmas Story:

ox and donkey: signs of Old testament prophecy of Isaiah, "the ox knows his owner..."

Star-divinity and sign of the place where Jesus was born.

Cross-death of Jesus by crucifixion

peacock-immortality (living forever)

violet- flower of humility

dandelion- bitter weed

dove- Holy Spirit

golden rays-divinity and Holy Spirit


very small baby- vulnerability of human flesh

circle-eternity (no beginning and no end)

falcon and peasant- Crucifixion

pomegranate- souls united by the Church

blue:  the living Christ (ie, Jesus before the crucifixion) wear blue mantles. Blue symbolizes truth and clarity, it is the color of the sky, and therefore a symbol of heaven.

Saints: some of their attributes (symbols):

John the Baptist: animal skin

Saint Nicholas: golden balls and cloak, staff and mitre of bishop

Saint Anthony Abbott; cane, bell and pig

St. Anthony of Padua : Francisan habit and open book with Christ child on it

If you finish, I'd like you to visit the National Gallery of Art Kids page:

Mrs. Morell

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