Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Today, we Email!

Hi all,

Today, we will make sure you can all login to your Gmail accounts.

Your accounts should be your last name, followed by your first initial @htsdc.org

such as GrangerH@htsdc.org

Your passwords should all be: titans1213

First, navigate to the HTS Homepage, and choose HTS Webmail Login:

Next, fill in your username and the password of titans1213:

You will need to fill in this wacky code to continue:

Then, you will be prompted to reset your password. IF SO, YOU MUST SET YOUR PASSWORD TO THE SAME PASSWORD YOU USE TO LOGIN TO THE NETWORK. I mean it.

Once you are in to your Email, please choose compose, and write a note to Mrs. Morell

Send it to mbmorell@htsdc.org.  Tell me you successfully opened your Email and tell me what you reset your password to:

Please write your new Email password onto your password sheet.

Then, I would like you to continue with BBC Dancemat Typing or Type to Learn.

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