Thursday, January 30, 2014

Introduction to Khan Academy

Hello 5th Graders:

Today, I'd like to introduce you to Khan Academy.  It's a great way to practice math skills:

This is the link:

Sign in with your Google Account, using your email address, and the same password you use for that account.

Take the Pre-Test, then you're on your way!

Happy computing,

Mrs. Morell

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

EasyBib for Science Fair

Today, I would like to introduce you to EasyBib, which is a very easy way to create citations for your Science Fair Project:

The website looks like this…. First, choose the type of resource you need to cite.  In this case, I'd like to cite a website.

As an example, the website I chose was the US Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service's Ideas for Science Fair projects.

I copied and pasted the URL (entire web address) in the space provided.  At this point, Easybib will let you know if your website is a credible source (and YES, having a credible resource is an important thing):

Next, Easybib will take you to a screen, where you will need to fill in more specific information about your website - but fear not, it gives you hints: 

Be sure to include the article title:

And if someone is identified as an author, be sure to include this:

And the complete name of the website:

And leave out the URL box:

At the bottom of the page, click on "Create Citation"

Now you will have a perfect MLA citation:

So, save it to Google Docs/Drive: (you must allow access):

And this is how your citation will appear in your Google Drive menu:

And how it will appear in your document:

Be sure to rename the document so you can find it later:

Today, we will practice citing the resources you have saved in Google Docs using EasyBib.

Mrs. Morell

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Creating Graphs

Today, we will learn how to create graphs, in preparation for your Science Fair Project:

We will use a graph creator from the National Center for Education Statistics.

Click on this link to open the site:

Today, we will create a bar graph to compare the favorite ice cream flavors of the boys and girls in the class.  

Begin with the design tab, and choose the bar option. 

Then, in the data section, you will need to fill in your data, including:
  • the graph title, 
  • the X-axis data (remember, this is your independent variable)
  • the Y-axis data (the measurable data, or results of your changes)
  • the data set (we will be comparing two sets of data - girls vs. boys)
  • the items (in this case, the flavors of ice cream)
  • and be sure to include the minimum value and the maximum value (in this case, it should be 28, because there are 28 students in your class)

When all the data is perfect, you may choose a font of your choice (nothing too crazy, my friends, this is a science fair project)

Then preview your chart.  If it looks good, print it - if you need to adjust any settings, please go back and do so.

The print preview (the chart should be a PDF file)

Please be sure to Email the chart to me:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Blogging Challenge

Please login to your blog:

And answer the following question:

What did you do for Christmas Vacation?

Please use complete sentences, perfect grammar and spelling, and be creative in telling the tale.  You must write at least 10 sentences.  After you publish your fabulous piece, you may comment on your friends posts, or spend the rest of the class working on Mathletics:

Happy New Year!

Mrs. Morell