Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Keyboarding and Post Your Magazine Cover to Kidblog

Today, we will continue to work on our keyboarding skills using Typing Club:

You will login using your lastnamefirstinitial (morellm) and our password will be: htstype.

We will then post your magazine cover to your blog.

I would like you to write about what you enjoyed most about creating the magazine cover... and what you learned about your tribe.

Happy keyboarding and blogging!

Mrs. Morell

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Keyboarding and Blogging

Today, we will continue to work on our keyboarding skills using Typing Club:

You will login using your lastnamefirstinitial (morellm) and our password will be: htstype.

We'll take a typing test today.

Jade and Sofia D may move on to blogging for the entire class:

And either continue to work on their favorite things prompt, or move onto the second blogging challenge.

With 20 minutes left, you will have a blogging assignment.

While some of you left lovely comments using complete sentences and perfect spelling and punctuation, I am overall not overly impressed with the quality of your comments.  So, we must review!

I would like you to read the "Things to Consider Before You Comment" post, and leave a thoughtful comment that shows you know the difference between Social and Academic comments.  You must write AT LEAST two full sentences and use perfect spelling and punctuation.  Then, you may either revise some of your comments, or begin the second blogging prompt.

Happy Typing and Blogging!

Mrs. Morell

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Just Keep Typing

Today, we will continue to work on our keyboarding skills using Typing Club:

You will login using your lastnamefirstinitial (morellm) and our password will be: htstype.

Please type for another class period - next week we will take the test again.

Jade and Sofia D may move on to blogging for the entire class:

And either continue to work on their favorite things prompt, or move onto the second blogging challenge.

With 15 minutes left, in class you may work on your blogs.

Happy Typing!

Mrs. Morell

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Typing Club

Today, we will work on our keyboarding skills using a new program called Typing Club:

You will login using your lastnamefirstinitial (morellm) and our password will be: htstype.

I will ask that you all take the Typing Test to begin the day, then work through the first few lessons.

If you reach 25 Words Per Minute or above, you may move on to blogging:

Happy Typing!

Mrs. Morell