Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mathletics Challenge Update

Hello all,

We have one more week of our Mathletics Challenge, and Wow, have we been impressed with the results!

Today, we will work on Live Mathletics during tech class:

And here is the Leaderboard as of Tuesday, January 22nd:

1.     Adriano
2.     Constantine
3.     Sophie
4.     Katie
5.     Seamus
6.     Max
7.     Sarah
8.     Elijah
9.     Morgan
10.  Jack
11.  Anu
12.  Pierce
13.  Karreone
14.  Emily
15.  William
16.  Sofia B
17.  Alexandra
18.  Chloe
19.  Cate
20.  Michelle
21.  Leopold


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January Mathletics Challenge!

Hi 5th Grade!

Today begins our first annual January Mathletics Challenge!

For the rest of the month of January, we will be keeping track of the number of correct answers you achieve during Live Mathletics. The student from each homeroom with the highest totals will receive an HTS fleece that says: "Mathlete of the Month." Prizes will also be awarded to the top five students in each class.

We will spend time doing Mathletics in class, but you are also encouraged to play on this website in After School and at home.  If you have an iPad, you may download the free Mathletics app.

As Ms. Sileo explained this morning, we would like you to stay on the level you have been assigned, or work a bit above. You will not be given credit for any answers from levels 8, 9 or 10 - we simply don't want you guessing on problems you don't know yet!

 If you have any questions, please let me know!

You can access Mathletics here:

Have fun!

Mrs. Morell

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year 5th Grade!

Today, we will begin a very cool series of activities to help you learn to navigate Cyberspace - your Digital Passport from the website Common Sense Media.

You will begin with "Search Shark."  This will help you learn how to choose effective keywords for searching online. You will practice selecting keywords that are most relevant to a search prompt. Along the way, you will discover hints for narrowing your search results.

The login can be found here:

Each one of you will have a login and password, which I will give to you at the beginning of class.

If you finish this activity, you may spend the last few minutes of class on Mathletics

Happy Searching!

Mrs. Morell