Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Hi 5th Grade!

We have a super short class today because of Christmas Show rehearsal, but I would like to share the following Year in Review video from Google Zeitgeist.

Here's to the curious :)

You can make a choice of one of the games on my blog for the rest of your 12-minute class today... Merry Christmas! Mrs. Morell

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Today, a timed typing test and Mathletics

Hi all,

Today I would like to give you a timed typing test.

When we're finished with that, you may play Mathletics for the rest of the class period.

If you stay focused, I'll give you some time to play CoolMath4Kids at the end.

Merry Christmas!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Research for Social Studies

Colonizing of North America Worksheet
Dear 5th Graders,
Today you will begin research pertaining to next unit in Social Studies - the colonization of North America. You will receive a worksheet with the following questions. I would like you to refer to the websites below, then answer the questions using complete sentences. I do not expect you to finish the worksheet today, but I do expect you to focus and get as much as possible completed!
Refer to the first two websites for the first questions:

Virginia History Overview

Virginia History Facts

Education in Virginia

Jamestown history

Jamestown history

Did Virginia value education? How do you know?

How did the colonists govern themselves?

What resources did they bring to Virginia?

What did they do for work?

How did Virginia get her name?

Refer to the map of colonial Virginia (1663)

Looking at this map of Virginia, what sources of food might you find?

What kind of farming opportunities might there be?

How do you think the settlers will relate to the Native Americans?

Would it be better to settle close to the shore or further inland?
Visit Virtual Jamestown to answer these questions:


Who settled Jamestown?

Why was the Muster of 1624/5 important?

Go the Patterns of Settlement and click on the years. What kinds of changes do you note?

Visit these two sites to get a good background about the settlement of Massachusetts.

Were the British probably the first European settlers to reach Massachusetts?

Who else had visited this land?

Did Massachusetts value education? How do you know?

How did the colonists govern themselves?

What resources did they bring to Massachusetts?

What did they do for work?

How did Massachusetts get her name?

We always think of Massachusetts and the first Thanksgiving? Find out about it.

Who attended this feast?

How long did it last?

What kinds of food were eaten?

Did it bring the Native Americans and Pilgrims closer together?

Visit the house that the Choate family built in Ipswich, Massachusetts. What do you think these clues tell us about their life?

What was Mr. Choate's position in the community?

Click on the artifacts. What clues do they give us about life in Massachusetts at that time.

Do you think their life was typical of the settlers in Massachusetts?