Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Country Project for International Night

Dear 5th Graders,

In preparation for International Night on May 10th, I would like each of you to select a country from the list at National Geographic Kids.  Each one of you must research a different country.


You will answer a series of questions about your country (which I have tucked in your network folder)

Once your research is complete, you select 8 to 10 pictures using the Lonely Planet website:

You will create a Glog or Comic Life celebrating your country.

You must include at least 10 facts and 8 pictures on the glog, including a map and a flag.

Happy globetrotting!

Mrs. Morell

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Free Choice to Challenge your Brain

One of my favorite websites is Arkive - not only to read about the endangered animals, but because the games are so much fun.  I would like you to play at least 5 different games from this site... and report to me which ones you liked best :)

I think it's also great fun to explore the National Gallery of Art Website - try your hand at creating a masterpiece using at least three different creative tools, and let me know which ones you liked best in the comment section at the bottom of this page:

If you'd like to continue to try to name all the countries of the world, try this Sporcle game again.  You may play it more than once - I find it to be pretty addictive.

Then, spend a bit of time working on Free Rice... the vocabulary and geography games would be great choices:

I would prefer that you not play Cool Math 4 Kids today... I think you should mix it up a bit :)

Happy Brain Games,

Mrs. Morell 

Focus: Arkive

Today, we're going to have a bit of fun exploring one of my favorite websites: Arkive.

Some of you used this site to work on your Uganda projects, but I think it's well worth exploring a bit further.  Today, we will learn about the conservation status of animals and plants - such as extinct, extinct in the wild, critically endangered, endangered, and vulnerable.  You will be given a selection of animals, and will explore the website to learn what their status is, and why.  If you finish this exercise, you will be welcome to try some of the many games and activities that can be found on the site.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Brain Candy for Easter...

Hi there 5th Graders,

This week, the 5F group meets, but the 5E group is on Spring Break, so I thought we'd have some fun with a couple of my favorite Brainy Games.

First, I would like to challenge you all to see how many countries of the world you can name in 15 minutes using Sporcle.  You may play it more than once - I find it to be pretty addictive.


Then, spend a bit of time working on Free Rice... the vocabulary and geography games would be great choices:

You may then have free choice - from the options on this blog - for the rest of the class period.

Enjoy!   Mrs. Morell