Thursday, March 29, 2012

Uganda Glogs and Wordle

Hi there,

We'll finish and print our Uganda glogs today. 

For those of you who have finished, I would like you to create a word cloud about Uganda using Wordle.

Use at least 20 words that you remember from your research.


Mrs. Morell

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Let's finish those Uganda Glogs today!

Hi 5th Grade,

We'll likely have a shortened class due to Terra Nova testing, but I would really like you to finish your Uganda glogs today if possible.  Be sure to consult the checklist carefully before you tell me you are finished.  Be sure to check the spelling and grammer of your facts before you tell me you would like to publish and or print.

I would like to share one example of a completed Glog: Great job Annie!

If you are finished and printed, I would like you to spend the remaining part of class playing FreeRice.

Happy Glogging!  Mrs. Morell

Where in the World was Mrs. Morell?

Last week, I had the opportunity to travel to West Africa for a bit of an adventure.  Can anyone figure out where I was?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Today, if you have finished your Webquest and your trip plan, you may begin to work on your Glog.

Glogster is an online posterboard, so you can combine your reseach with pictures to design something like this:

the link is here:

I have saved a folder of photos for you to use in the Y: drive.

And here is a checklist for you to work from:

You must have:

·         A title

·         Your name

·         A map of Uganda

·         At least five pictures with captions (more would be great!)

·         At least five facts from your fact sheet

·         At least one nice big text box talking about what you during your planned trip to Uganda and WHY J

I would encourage you to include: (among  your five pictures)

·         At least one endangered animal

·         At least one picture of the Ugandan landscape

·         At least one picture of a Ugandan person

·         Graphics that complement the look of the project – I would stay away from crazy graphics and neon colors…  keep closer to earth tones – things that complement the pictures you are using.

Be creative!  Wow me with your design!

I can't wait to see what you create!!

Mrs. Morell