Saturday, January 21, 2012

Scantron Testing in Technology Class

Over the next week or two in Technology class, we will be taking an online test called the Scantron Performance Series. You will be taking tests in reading and math.  You can work at your own pace, and there are no time limits.

These tests are like the Terra Nova tests, but taken online.  The results will not appear on your report cards or affect your group placements... they are simply to help your teachers identify what skills you have mastered, and what you still need to work on.

We'll talk about the tests in class before you take them for the first time on Tuesday or Thursday.

Mrs. Morell

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Type to Learn, and some new typing games to mix things up

We will continue to work on Type to Learn this week, but will also have time to try a few online keyboarding games at the end of class.

I think you should all start with the ABCya! Keyboard Challenge:

I also think you will also have fun with Cup Stacking and Alpha Munchies:

Next, try BBC's Dance Mat Typing:

And if you are ready for a huge challenge,  you can also try Typer Shark:

Mrs. Morell

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Scientific Method - via PowerPoint

It's time to start thinking about science fair projects in the 5th grade, and the foundation of any good project is a solid understanding of the scientific method. 

So, this week and next in the lab, we will use PowerPoint to define and illustrate the steps of the scientific method.  I introduced the basics of PowerPoint to the students, and gave them a hand-out with the necessary definitions.  They were given to option to design the slide with their choice of designs, colors and templates.  The resulting slides will be printed in hand-out form, and tucked in their binders for easy reference as the projects unfold this month and next.

Here is a preview of some of the work 5F began on Tuesday:

Can't wait to see how the PowerPoints unfold over the next couple of weeks!

Mrs. Morell