Monday, November 28, 2011

Researching Jesuit Saints

Each 5th grader will be completing a report of the life of a Jesuit Saint for religion class this month. This week, we will consult the website of the Jesuit Curia in Rome to research Saints.  We will talk about why this is an excellent online resource to use.

The link to the site can be found here:

List of Jesuit Saints

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

National Gallery of Art Field Trip

Today we will create a Comic Life comic strip about last week's trip to the National Gallery of Art.

I'd like you to combine photos of the trip with photos of the paintings you studied... and provide thoughtful commentary about the adventure.  Please be sure to include at least one fact about the symbolism in Nativity Art.   If you need a bit of help remembering all you've learned, I'll provide a fact sheet for you to use in class.

If you finish, I'd like you to visit the National Gallery of Art Kids page:

Mrs. Morell

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Keyboarding once again!

Hi there 5th graders,

This week, while I'm away, I would like you to spend your technology time working on Type to Learn.  Be sure to use your orange keyboard covers, and keep your fingers on the home keys!

And wonder: Where in the world is Mrs. Morell?

See you next week!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

If Type to Learn is still not working...

Hello Dear 5th Graders,

Type to Learn has been experiencing some major technical difficulties, so if it is still down today, we will still spend some time typing, but a bit creatively.

You may spend some time exploring the author websites on my summer learning blog, then write an letter to an author of your choice, using the format below:

We'll talk a bit more about the format during class.  Wow me with your language and creativity, and we'll send them off to our favorite authors when you finish.

Happy Typing!

Mrs. Morell