Sunday, October 30, 2011

Just Keep Typing

This week, we'll continue to work on Type to Learn.  Focus will be on proper finger placement and keeping those keyboard covers on. 

For those students who are typing more than 30 words a minute - based on last week's timed typing test - you may have the option to type a letter to an author of your choice. I will give you a handout with some guidance.

Happy Typing,

Mrs. Morell

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Bit More Keyboarding...

This week, we'll take a timed typing test to see how much progress has been made with our keyboarding over the past few weeks.  We'll continue to practice with Type to Learn.  Based on the results, I may make some recommendations that some students take a copy of TTL home for extra practice.

Happy Typing,

Mrs. Morell

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

More Keyboarding this Week

This week, we will have a chance to practice logging into Cornerstone and Gmail... and I will have a chance to trouble-shoot any issues with these new systems.  Be sure to continue to let me know if you can't log into either one.

We will then spend the bulk of the class practicing keyboarding skills with Type to Learn. 

As always, happy keyboarding!

Mrs. Morell

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Housekeeping Week

This week we will:

Introduce the students to our new Gmail accounts,

Teach them to log into Cornerstone, so they can see their grades,

Ask them to complete a survey on their current online use, to help us decide which topics would be most relevant for our kids on the Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship and Online Safety units:


teach them how to use Uberprints to design a Holy Trinity Spirit Shirt:

That should keep us busy for 45 minutes!